Ready to unwire?
“ The most important relationship you have
- is with yourself “
How you view and feel about yourself will determine the outlook you have on your life, the possibilities you think you have, the quality of the relationships you create and ultimately, mirror your overall life experience.
We are all trying to figure out how to get the most out of this life, but at the same time we have a habit of getting in our own way.
Self-critique, limiting beliefs and unresolved emotions and experiences of the past, are all things we struggle with and can inhibit us from becoming the best version of ourselves.
Ultimately, we are wired by subconscious programming, conditioned by our past and the habits we have learned and adapted to. Altogether this has formed our mindset, what attitudes and beliefs we subscribe to and our sense of self-worth. I believe that to unwire these different limiting patterns and to create actual change within ourselves and in our lives, the first step is to intentionally begin to raise self-awareness.
But becoming more conscious and aware of oneself is not always easy and I know first-hand that the ups and downs of self-development can be really discouraging sometimes. Therefore, it is invaluable to have a coach by your side, supporting you through your self-discovery and help unfold what is really blocking you from connecting to yourself and your purpose in life.
“Deciding to invest in yourself through coaching is a great way to begin or continue your self-discovery journey”

What I can help you with in coaching
Inner Work
Unwire emotional, thought -and behavioral patterns that are holding you back
Create resilience against fear and-stress-response
Expand self-awareness and increase emotional intelligence
Unravel and shift unhelpful life narratives
Unwire limiting beliefs and scarcity mindset
Strengthen self-trust and self-compassion
Process unresolved trauma
Befriend your autonomic nervous system and learn to regulate energy levels
Outer Work
Unwire destructive habits and create new mindset and self-accountability
Overcome procrastination and become self-empowered through committing to highest priority action-steps
Find out what your next step is in your professional life by exploring your intrinsic goals and values
Explore and develop your relationships with other people - both personal and professional
Recognize what is blocking you and expand your outlook on life and your possibilities
Prime your brain through visualization, affirmation and goals to achieve and accomplish what you want
I offer different coaching options depending on various needs for personal development.
I work both with physical meetings and with zoom video calls. The sessions can be held in Swedish or English.
I always offer a non-binding 30 min consultation zoom call.
This initial meeting gives us both an opportunity to find out how we connect, how I work as a coach and for you as a client to describe what you want to explore. Then you have a chance to decide to commit and go forward or not.
1:1 Coaching
In my one-on-one coaching sessions, I focus on both inner and outer work. Combining and working interchangeably with the two aspects provides a solid foundation to explore both your potential and challenges in your life personally, socially and professionally. However, if you are more interested of proccessing unresolved emotions or adverse experiences in life, the focus is more on inner work and can be called therapeutic coaching.
You as a client decide pace of the dialogue, content and the depths of the work.
I facilitate the framework with challenging but supporting dialogue and provide structure and tools needed for you to feel comfortable in your self-development process.
In addition to the coaching sessions, I may add exercises that are individually designed for you, based on our conversations and selected to address the areas you wish to focus on. The exercises are a way to prolong and deepen the effectiveness of your coaching sessions.
Each session is 60 minutes and I recommend committing to 6 sessions (3 months with 2 sessions/ month) as a minimum to give yourself and coaching an honest chance.
Coaching program
Personalized 3-month or 6-month self-development coaching program. Specially designed to take a deep dive in a self-inquiry journey with a focus on unwiring habitual patterns and limiting beliefs that is not to your service. Creating space for for a re-invented higher self with new outlook on life.
Please contact me for more detailed information.
Business Partnership Coaching
If you and your business partner need support in building a strong business relationship and solid ground for communication and mutual understanding. Coaching is a great way to start off a new business relationship to avoid classic setbacks when forming a collaboration together.
Or addressing already existing issues or challenges - both practical and personal.
Corporate - Mind Management Coaching
Coaching employees in your organization for personal and professional development, better communication and collaboration skills, meeting sales goals or other specific targets. Providing support and motivation to individuals when stress levels are high or other challenges are arising within the organization.
Specifically designed programs for group coaching or individual coaching.
Please contact me for a keynote presentation of what
Mind Management Coaching entails in full.
Get to know your autonomic nervous system and how it affects your everyday life through emotional, mental and energetic and physiological responses. A neurobiological perspective on how our autonomic nervous system is deeply involved with our psychological state, our stress responses and trauma history. This workshop is researched based through the Polyvagal theory and includes integrative exercises to understanding, mapping and regulating your own nervous system.
Suitable for organizations/workplaces with high stress levels and burnout. Also for learning about how we get stuck in our own defense systems and how to handle chronic stress develop a more regulated nervous system.
Please contact me for more detailed information.

Coaching style & philosophy
As a coach, my first job is to facilitate an atmosphere of openness, warmth and trust where you as my client can feel safe and inspired to open up and be present and true to yourself in our sessions.
My coaching is compassion-focused and you can expect me to be all-in and committed to you and your process. In return I ask you to show up for yourself with a curious mindset and committed to your growth process.
As your coach I will hold space and be supportive for exactly where you are in your life and your personal process, but at the same time challenge your boundaries and hold you accountable to the process and the goals you put up for yourself.
My way of coaching is based in current research and findings in psychology, neuroscience, and neurobiology. I am trauma-informed and also bring somatic teachings into my work.
I believe in a holistic approach to self-development and ultimately in the power of self-healing. We cannot un-ravel ourselves and re-connect to our authentic selves, by just looking through one perspective.
Therefore, my coaching style includes a combination of different teachings and tools to create the best possible platform for personal growth.
About Me
My genuine interest and search for connection with people and really understanding how and why we humans think, feel, behave and interact in certain ways - have always been present in my life and is a big part of why I now do the work I do.
The curiosity and eagerness to always be learning and continuously progress in my own self-development - is my key to staying alert and humble.
I have encountered a lot of adversity in my life and how I have managed to progress and find new ways ahead, has deepened my belief that we have infinite possibilities to change and evolve - and heal.
With that said, I know that life and some of its challenges can be completely reckoning. I also recognize that experiencing it and handling it alone - is not the way to go. We need support and trusting relationships to manage and endure what life serves us.
What I truly appreciate with coaching, is the many different possibilities it holds. Together with investigating dialogue and integrative action steps, it can serve as a bridge to real change and self-actualization.
“We dedicate so much of our time in learning different things - but not intentionally learning about ourselves”
For me, my meaningful work is now about coaching others to re-connect with themselves and experience more fulfillment in their lives. The work I do gives me so much energy and joy - and it is a true privilege to witness my clients personal and professional transformation processes.

“I've been working with Jenny for the past 7 months and I've progressed more in my personal development than I've ever done in years of traditional therapy.
Jenny's approach has helped me to quickly shed light on patterns and behaviours that have been hindering my growth for most of my adult life, and she's offering concrete tools to break them in a caring and compassionate way.
I've come out of each session feeling more energised, grounded and clear-minded, which, in my opinion, is a rare feeling when working on oneself.
While being straightforward, Jenny is also very attentive, non-judgemental and compassionate which makes her an amazing coach.
I feel lucky and extremely grateful to have found her on my path”
— Melanie,
Product Director
“I started my coaching with Jenny when I was on the verge of burnout from running my own business and had lost sight of direction forward in my professional path but also within myself.
She quickly became someone I could trust, and our conversations helped me through a rough patch in both my professional and personal life. She became a significant support and helped me create guidance back to myself.
I saw the value she could bring to my employees, so I contracted her to perform a group coaching event with the purpose of aligning them to specific goals and values but also to generate better collaboration incentive within the work group. Jenny quickly understood the agenda and designed a program with relevant content to the task. The group coaching event was much appreciated and created the results I was after.
I would really recommend Jenny both for her one-on-one coaching but also in organizational settings with employees.”
— Aleks, CEO
“Jenny and I started our coaching in the beginning of 2021, it was dark outside and within me. I felt stuck, my frequency was so low, I was totally disconnected from my intuition.
Through my bi-weekly sessions for 6 months Jenny was there: giving support, encouraging advice, eye openers, guidance to find my own answers and I slowly - session by session - I took my power back!
I love Jenny’s intuitive coaching style and I’m truly happy our paths crossed! I will forever remember this insightful, inner journey to self-rediscovery she brought me on. It has changed me from within, to a lighter and brighter version!
The result? My life has changed in all areas! New job, new home, happier and more self-loving me and I’m about to become a mother in 2022!”